MS sherpa
Nieuwe features: MS sherpa dashboard
For the Caregiver role
NEW: Dashboard page: To give the user an instant overview of the current status of their patient population in MS sherpa
Quick insights about your patient population
Total adherence across whole all active patients of all tests (averaged)
Total of performed tests
Active licenses
Next up: Planned consultations (how many patients who have MS sherpa are upcoming in the next time period)
Patients to watch out for section: Identify patients who potentially need attention. Shows patients who either:
Have low adherence of certain test(s)
Haven't logged in in the last 3 months
Have never logged in
Detailed Contract level Adherence: Get insight into adherence across your patient population
How many % of individual tests were scheduled vs executed?
How does adherence differ across months?
How does adherence differ across tests?
Improved: Patient overview page
NEW: Advanced filtering options to manage your patients more efficiently by filtering on:
Activity status (active vs inactive)
Execution of tests in several time periods (did / did not do test A in the last X weeks)
Time period patients were added to MS sherpa
For the contract admin
Improved: Patient overview page
Ability to manage default test frequencies for your contract
Receive notifications when action is needed regarding contract administration
Manage MS sherpa licenses more efficiently
For all dashboard users
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